Create a radio show about a song

Create a radio show about one of your favourite songs. Pick a song from your fav playlist and talk about the music concepts you hear


In pairs you are to create a 5 min radio show using Garageband

1. Name your radio station

2. Make a 5 second jingle with your radio station name and have it repeat throughout your show.

3. Make an advertisement for an appropriate product. Eg. peanut butter, shampoo, dog food, canteen food…

4. Pick a song to put on your radio station. Use to download your song from YT. 

5. Fill out the song analysis table below and then introduce your song. Talk about the concepts of your song 

6. Lucky caller comp. 7th caller gets $100.

7. Weather report.

8. News report .

9. Surf report 

10. Random fact of the day

Tips on how to analyse a song