Year 12

Music NCEA L2

In year 12 Music you are to focus on what type of musician you want to be and choose a course that best suits you

All Rounder

2.1 Solo Performance (2 substantial pieces) - 6 Credits

2.3 Group Performance (1 substantial piece) - 4 Credits

2.9 Investigation into New Zealand Music - 4 credits

2.4 Composition (2 substantial pieces) - 6 Credits


32302 Midi Sequencing - 3 credits

2.7 Music Works (Exam) - 6 credits


2.1 Solo Performance (2 substantial pieces) - 6 Credits

2.3 Group Performance (1 substantial piece) - 4 Credits

2.9 Investigation into New Zealand Music - 4 credits

2.7 Music Works (Exam) - 6 credits


2.2 2nd instrument solo (1 substantial piece) - 3 credits

2.4 Composition (2 substantial pieces) - 6 Credits


2.4 Composition (2 substantial pieces) - 6 Credits

2.9 Investigation into New Zealand Music - 4 credits

2.3 Group Performance (1 substantial piece) - 4 Credits

2.7 Music Works (Exam) - 6 credits


32302 Midi Sequencing - 3 credits

27657 Music Technology Knowledge - 4 credits

Year 12 Music - Making Music

Course Description

This course is designed to enable students to develop skills and knowledge in creating, performing, and analyzing music. The course will cover the NCEA achievement standards in Making Music, with a focus on developing composition and performance skills.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

Course Outline

Term 1:

Term 2:

Term 3:

Term 4: