Yr 10 Performance

In this strand, ākonga  develop musicianship and as they rehearse and present individual or group performances. They play and sing individually or in groups and reflect on each other's performances.

In Year 10, you will rehearse and present a song or brief instrumental piece as a group or solo musician on an instrument of your choice. 

Your performance can just be played to your teacher or in front of the class or at a school concert. It's up to you!

Step 1: Learn an Instrument

You may already be a great player or have never touched an instrument before or maybe you would like to learn something new. MMC Music offers specialised lessons on Drums, Guitar, Bass, Vocals, Brass and Woodwind instruments. See or email Mr Clarke if you would like to learn any of these instruments. Lessons are FREE!

If you want to try out learning the basics on an instrument, click on the link below to view online lessons. 

Step 2: Learn lots of songs

Learn songs that interest and inspire you and that are fun to play. The more songs you play on your instrument, the more vocabulary you will learn and you will become a much better player. 

Step 3: Practice performing

When first starting to play music, it can be extremely hard and scary to perform in front of people. Don't worry! We have all been through this. 

The best thing to tackle this is to practice doing it in front of people. The more you do it, the more confident you'll be on stage. 

Watch this video for some tips on how to deal with nervousness on stage. 
