Itinerant lessons at MMC


Click on the links below to view your lesson timetable. 

Check back regularly as times can change slightly to accommodate school events etc. 


Glenys Wheatley

Mark Dennison


Ryan Brake

Duncan Taylor


Paul Hoskin

Whaea Tam


Whaea Tam


Malakhai Sadler

Important Reminder

If you cannot attend your scheduled music lesson, please notify us as soon as possible by emailing If you miss three lessons without providing a valid explanation, you will lose your spot.

If you have an assessment or another important commitment that conflicts with your lesson time, let us know as soon as you are aware. We may be able to reschedule your lesson with another student.

Please ensure you are outside your studio/practice room, ready with your instrument, at least 5 minutes before your lesson time. If you have to leave class early, please tell your classroom teacher at the start of the lesson.