2nd instrument

Perform two substantial pieces of music as a featured soloist on a second instrument


Version 2


In this assessment, you will perform live one substantial piece of music as a featured soloist.

Your performance will take place in the music room during class time before an audience or filmed outside of school with an audience. It will be assessed as a whole, rather than placing too much emphasis on small inaccuracies or minor slip-ups that do not affect the fluency of your performance.

You will choose your own instrument. If you present each performance on more than one instrument, you must be equally good on each one. In this standard, you are not assessed on versatility.

Your teacher will advise you about the type, length, and complexity of the pieces of music you will perform. Confirm your final choice with your teacher.

Your performance will be recorded for moderation and evaluation purposes.


Technical skills (techniques specific to the instrument used for the performance, for example, tuning, bowing, embouchure, breathing, consistency in changing registers, playing techniques, and consistency of tone).

Musical skills (including the musical awareness and understanding of the musical style(s) you demonstrate through your performance, including phrasing, dynamics, rhythm, and feel). 

Presentation skills (involving conveying a sense of performance appropriate to the genre and style of the music, appropriate posture, and stagecraft).

Repertoire/Suggested Performance Pieces NCEA Levels 1-3