NZ Music Zine

Investigate an aspect of New Zealand music




This assessment activity requires you to investigate an aspect of New Zealand music. To do this, you will work with a group in your class to produce a zine about New Zealand music. Individually, you will investigate a selected aspect of New Zealand music and based on your investigation produce an article for the zine.

Choosing a focus for your zine.

In your group, decide on a focus for your New Zealand music zine. It should be something that interests you and that you think will be interesting for others to read about. See Resource 1 for suggestions for selecting a suitable focus.

Deciding on a topic for your article

In your group, decide on specific topics for each zine article. You will take responsibility for, and be assessed on, the quality of the article you produce for your group’s zine. Make sure your chosen topic has scope for you to produce an in-depth and comprehensive article.


Begin your investigation. Consult as many sources of information as you can. (See Resource 2 for a list of possible sources.)

Note: Keep a record of the sources you use. You must acknowledge them in a bibliography at the end of your article. Do not copy material directly from your sources.

Your investigation must include:

• a brief chronological overview of the aspect you have chosen

• a profile, including background (this could include social, historical, entrepreneurial, technological, political, or economic background), and biography where appropriate

• significant musical characteristics of the selected aspect

• evaluation of the significance of the aspect chosen in the diversity of the New Zealand music scene.

Draft your article. (See Resource 3 for information about what a quality article should provide.)

Refine your article. (See Resource 4 for information about refining your article.)

Teacher Note: Resource 4 suggests a peer review of the students’ work, but you could omit this opportunity if you feel that it could compromise the authenticity of your students’ work. Alternatively, you could provide a formative assessment opportunity and give feedback to your students.

You may schedule opportunities to check draft articles for authenticity or ask students to submit all draft versions with their final version for assessment.

Complete your article by attaching a bibliography of all sources used.

Create your zine by hand or using a publishing program.

(Make sure you comply with New Zealand copyright laws.)

Submit your article for assessment along with your zine.


Resource 1: Selecting a suitable focus

A suitable focus might be:

• a specific musical style

• a musical genre or historical period (for example, popular music in the 1980s, kapa haka, jazz, or chamber music in New Zealand)

• the New Zealand music industry

• a musician (composer, performer, or composer/performer)

• a New Zealand performing group (for example, a rock or jazz band or the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra)

• a festival/competition (for example, Polyfest, The Big Sing, Adam Chamber Music Festival, or Smoke free rock quest).

Choose a title for your zine that focuses on the aspect of New Zealand music you have chosen, and that will engage the interest of readers. Create a cover page for your zine. (The cover will not be assessed, but it will help you focus on what you want to communicate in your article, and help you to create an interesting and engaging zine).

Resource 2: Sources of information

Sources of information may include:


CDs and CD booklets and covers

magazine articles

the Internet

personal contact and interviews.

Resource 3: A quality resource

A quality zine will provide: 

carefully selected, detailed information (for example, the most important biographical details are selected and discussed – the article does not just provide lists of facts)

informed comment (for example, the most significant songs a composer has produced are selected and reasons are given for their significance)

a clearly-structured format (for example, the article unfolds in a logical way and is easily understood by the reader)

complex and varied perspectives (for example, the zine does not just provide facts – it makes comparisons and ideas are integrated, e.g. puts facts into social, historical, and/or cultural perspectives, and draws conclusions)

an interpretation of significant factors (for example, the zine makes an evaluation, which is well backed up by evidence).

Resource 4: Refining your zine 

Ask other members of your group to read your draft zine. Ask them the following questions:

Are my ideas clearly expressed?

Is my zine coherent – does it make sense?

Is my zine interesting? 

Have I provided in-depth information in my zine?

Have I explained the significance of my topic in the context of the diversity of New Zealand music?

Does my zine examine different perspectives and points of view and integrate these ideas?

Have I evaluated the subject of my investigation? Is my evaluation convincing?

Listen carefully to your group’s advice, and refine (re-work) your draft. Repeat the refining process until you and your group can give a positive response to all the questions above.

A handy set of links to different aspects of the Music of Aotearoa from the National Library website:

How to make your own fanzine.pdf

Zine Template

Zine Printing Template