Random Chord Song Project

In this project, you will choose randomly generated chords and write a song to them

Step 1: Get chords

Go to autochords.com, which will create a chord progression (a group of different chords) for you. You can choose the type of chords (clique, creepy etc) and the key they are in. 

Step 2: Create a loop

Using the chords generated in step 1, record yourself playing those chords together on Soundtrap (or other DAW of your choice) and create a loop. If you can't play the chords, you can program them into an instrument on Soundtrap. Watch this video on how to do that. 

If you don't know what notes are in a chord, find out here

Also think about the style of music you want to create and the tempo (speed) of the music. 

Click here range of different genres and the bpm range (the speed of the music) to help you get started.

Step 3: Start creating layers

Start adding layers to your chords. This is called Texture. Start with common music concepts such as: 

Think about what instruments or sounds are common to the genre of music you are creating.

Watch this YouTube video to get some ideas about different layers (texture) that you could add. Skip to different sections of the video such as drums or melody as the video is long. 

Step 4: Create a structure

Once you have all the layers you need, work out a structure for your song.  

Watch this video to get an idea on how to take an 8 bar loop and turn it into a full song. 

Once you have completed your song, save it to mp3 and submit it to your teacher via email or Google Classroom (ask your teacher) by the due date.