Genres and BPM

The tempo is an important key in determining the genre which is usually expressed in BPM or Beats Per Minute. To identify a music genre with this feature you need to know the type of BPM that is typical of your music genre.

Here is a list of some popular non-electronic genres and their approximate tempo ranges:

Reggae: Reggae genre has a typical BPM ranging from 60-90

Downtempo: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 70-100

Chill-Out: This genre has a typical BPM between 90-120

Hip-Hop: This genre has a typical BPM between 85-115

Jazz and Funk: This genre has a typical BPM between 120-125

Pop: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 100-130

R&B: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 60-80

Rock: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 110-140

Metal: This genre has a typical BPM between 100-160

The Electronic Music genre has the following tempo ranges:

House: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 118-135

Deep House: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 120-125

Tech House: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 120-135

Electro House: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 125-130

Progressive House: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 125-130, the same as Tech House

Trance: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 130-145

UK Garage: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 130-135

Dubstep: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between +/- 140

Trap: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between +/- 140

Techno: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 120-160

Hardstyle: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 150-160

Jungle: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 155-180

Drum & Bass: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 165-185

Last, but not least, several different social / partner dances have a typical tempo that ranges as follows:

Waltz: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 84-90

Foxtrot: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 112-120

Charleston: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 200-290

Tango: For this genre, it has a typical l BPM between 62-66

Cha Cha Cha: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 120-128

Rumba: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 100-108

Samba: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 96-104

Salsa: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 180-300

Jive: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 168-184

Paso Doble: For this genre, it has a typical BPM between 120-124

However, the typical BPM above cannot be used as the main reference in determining music genres. It is necessary to listen to several features to identify the genre. However, you still need to know the tempo that matches the genre that is your starting point.