Creating a Soundtrack

Lesson 3: Compose, Perform and Record a Soundtrack

In this lesson, students collaborate* to develop musical arrangements in response to film or imagery. Using the provided Cinematic Performance Live Set which combines all instruments used in previous lessons, they compose, perform and record their musical compositions.

Learning intentions

  • Critical listening – identify and describe musical conventions

  • Technology literacy – effective use of MIDI editing and arrangement tools

  • Creativity – imagine musical responses to imagery or video content

  • Collaboration – working together to create and perform musical arrangements


Creating a soundtrack arrangement

Included below are several options through which you may frame and inspire students to create the final composition in this project. Additionally, using a graphic score may support or extend this task.

Film trailers with the music removed

Several YouTube channels host film trailers with the music removed. Students may use these as a backdrop to a real-time live score performance!

How To Make A Blockbuster Movie Trailer

Follow the musical conventions of the blockbuster trailer

Map the cue points used in this clip as a rough outline for an arrangement, then create a score to this outline using the supplied sounds.

Practical Task:

Compose, Perform and Record a Soundtrack - Live Set

The Compose, Perform and Record a Soundtrack - Live Set contains four cinematic-styled instrument racks and a Drum Rack loaded with 64 cinematic hits, orchestral effects, samples and loops.

This Live Set opens in Arrangement view, ready for multiple Instrument tracks to be recorded and overdubbed.

Tutorial: How to get started on your soundtrack