Learn by Ear

How to get started learning music by ear

Below are some tips on how to work on picking up music by ear and not having to rely on sheet music or Youtube all the time

Start with simple melodies: If you're just starting out, it's best to begin with simple melodies that are easy to identify. 

Example: Try playing a simple melody of a popular song first by ear, then search up the notes to test yourself if you were right. Use websites like Theorytab DB to see the melody lines. Keep repeating this technique. 

Focus on the rhythm: When learning music by ear, it's important to pay attention to the rhythm of the song. 

Play along with recordings: One of the best ways to learn music by ear is to play along with recordings

Learn the chords: Once you've figured out the melody, try to identify the chords that accompany it. This will give you a better understanding of the song's structure and help you improvise.

Practice regularly: Learning music by ear takes time and practice. Try to set aside a regular practice time each day, even if it's just for a few minutes. The more you practice, the easier it will become.

Use a tuner: It's important to stay in tune when learning music by ear. Use a tuner to make sure your instrument is tuned correctly, and check your tuning frequently.

Experiment with different instruments: If you're having trouble figuring out a melody on one instrument, try switching to a different instrument. Sometimes a different perspective can help you hear things you didn't notice before.

Work with your teacher: Work with your teacher to guide you and provide feedback. Your teacher can also help you develop good practice habits and give you new challenges to work on.

Remember, learning music by ear takes time and patience. Don't get discouraged if you don't get it right away. Keep practicing, and you'll start to see progress over time.